Sunday, April 10, 2011

Project Tracy ~ Check Out this new site!

I would love to introduce you to my friends new venture, or should I say her passion.  i am in awe of this girls website and knowledge and I think if you check it out you will be hooked. So check it out and follow her if you like. Have fun! mykie xoxox

What's it all about?

Hello! Welcome to Project Tracy. An adventure into my traits, talents,and tendencies. Oh…and my closet!  I am a mother, an artist, and the wife of a comedian. My life is as colorful as my clothes. Originally from New York, where my love affair with clothes began. I moved to Los Angeles, about 10 years ago with my husband, and have continued my love affair with clothes ever since. After years of personal shopping for almost everyone I know, I decided to start this blog, to put my skills to good use.  I am on the eternal quest  to find myself.  Creating the perfect outfit is my art. Clothes are my tools! I am inspired by both the beautiful and the odd.  ”In pursuit to always be a first rate version of myself, instead of a second rate version of somebody else.” (Judy Garland).  I have created this site with a few goals in mind.
  1. To use Project Tracy, as a place to capture my “art” and express myself, through my clothes, closets, friends, and family.
  2. To never fall down the rabbit hole of mom sweatpants, and running sneakers.
  3. To attend the 2011/2012 Fashion Week shows in NY, Paris and Spain.
  4. To keep being inspired.
  5. To never apologize for the amount of time it might take to me get ready. I’m willing to bet, no one ever rushed Picasso!

Please join me on my adventure, by following me on this site, twitter and face book. Comment as often as you like. Tell me what you like, and what you don’t.   I will return every email I receive!  If you are interested in any of my services, or helping inspire me to attain my goals, you can contact me anytime at


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