Monday, March 28, 2011



Having a bad hair day? maybe it's more like a bad hair week? Well, i have some news for you that just might be the ticket you need to get your dull, damaged, stressed hair back to it's natural state. All using foods, that's right food from your own kitchen. These products that you can use are pretty much Staples in most kitchen around the world and they are miracle workers for your hair.  And yes, it would be easy to just run to the store and grab the newest product off the shelves and insto presto its done. I look at it this way, why not when your in the kitchen cooking  a meal and feeding your self, why not feed you hair at the same time.


Did you know that rinsing your hair once a week with Baking Soda will remove build-up?  Using Baking Soda will help to clarify and leave your hair shiny and silky.
There are two way to do this:  1. Add 2 Tbsp of Baking Soda to 3 cups of water. After you shampoo, rinse with the baking soda water and then condition as usual. or there's way #2. or you can put shampoo into your hands and then sprinkle a fair amount of baking soda on top of it, then was your hair as normal.

This  is good  for any ones hair type, just as long as its once a week. Best used for people who have issues with hard water or build up from product.


Eggs strengthen , moisturize and condition your hair. Eggs and egg yolks are filled with Vitamins A, D,
and E that are all amazing for shiny,healthy hair. The Fatty acids from the eggs moisturize and condition hair like no body's business.

The best way to uses eggs in hair is to add a beaten egg to your regular shampoo. and wash as normal.
Depending on your hair volume, whipped up one or two eggs and rub onto dry hair. Cover with a towel or better yet shower cap or plastic wrap and leave on for 15 minutes, then wash out.

Here's Tip: Believe it or not, make sure the water  your using inst way to hot or you can cook the eggs, yuck scrabbles please!


This Century old remedy creates softer Shiner hair. There are a few ways to use olive oil to repair your hair back to its lovely locks.

To moisturize and strengthen: use 1/2 cup of olive oil, put in microwave for 15 seconds [you could also heat on low for a few minutes]then apply to damp hair Wrap with a plastic wrap or cover with a warn towel. leave on for 20 minutes to an hour and then shampoo out. easy!

To Smooth & Shine: Put 1/2 tsp of olive oil in your palms and rub. Then apply to the top or your hair, moving downward.

Great for all hair types and pretty much works for any issues you may have for your hair. Try it you will be amazed.


Who new that Molasses was a gift from the heaven for dry and over processed hair?
Both the Syrup and molasses work in the same way.

Pour either Molasses or Maple Syrup [you can dilute molasses with water if its way to thick to scrub in]
on to you hair, Wrap with Plastic wrap or shower cap and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash out  in your normal fashion. [TIP: must use real maple or molasses, not the high fructose kinds its not gonna help]
Great for those with  dry hair or anyone that wants a very hearty boost of moisture.

Here's a tip: Black Strap Molasses, taken internally, 2 tsp a day can help clear up acne and strengthen hair and nails. and helps alleviate hair loss, who knew?

5.Apple Cider Vinegar

Creates very Shiny Bouncy hair.
The smell is a bit to muster at first but the apple cider vinegar scent dissipates as the hair dries and leaves very pH balanced scalp, which means really healthy hair.
Add 1Tbsp pf apple cider vinegar to 2 cups of water, shake well. After you condition, and just before getting out of the shower rinse your hair with the mixture.

Here's a tip:  boil some chamomile [for Blond hair], Rosemary [dark hair] and Nettle [any color] in the water before adding the apple cider, please strain the herbs first.
great for anyone who  needs a little extra clarifying or suffers dandruff, oily scalp or dullness.

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