Saturday, March 12, 2011

Check Out What These Beauties Have To Say: BEAUTY TIPS FOR YOU


As a makeup artist workin' it in the city of glamour and glitter, I have the opportunity to work with a few celebrities and actors and believe me I always walk away from it, with a whole new set of tricks. Everyone has there own beauty secrets and regimens that we follow some are handed down from our mama's and big sisters and  some form other pros in the biz and some just from trial and error.  As I was surfing the web I came across a few STAR beauty tricks and secrets and I thought Why not share then with all of you. I think there  all on the mark and simple enough for anyone to try.

Rethinking Oil?

"I use omega-3 oil. I love light oil on my skin. It's one of my favorite feelings in the world."
—Gwyneth Paltrow

Mykie says:  
I so agree with her on this one, I am Italian and the women of Italy have been using Olive oil on there skin for years, now I'm not saying the next time your making some pasta to slash olive oil on your face for for dropping some into the boiling water, but its truly amazing for your skin. Consider EMU OIL, I use it all the time and its amazing alone or in combination with foundations and little drop her and there can bounce light, and give your skin a healthy glow with out the feel of grease. I have used this while filming on Brooke Burns, jack Coleman, Helen Slater, Valerie Harper.......

"when i was Shooting a movie in Montreal, it was freezing. If you take a little bit of Aquaphor and dab it on your face, it keeps your skin looking fresh. I dubbed it Aqua For Everything. 
- Lucy Liu

Mykie Says: 
I am not going to argue with Ms. Lucy, she is 100% on the mark with 
Aquaphor.  This has become a staple in my kit and set bag. it's used for so many things really amazing product. for example, Kids!
working with small children has many challenges, but a kid that gets snot dried to his face or is fry and chapped, a little dab right before roll and you're set and it doesn't show on film shinny or greasy. Work for adult too..
great for  prepping skin in cold weather and if its good for your babies bottoms it good for our faces. Teri Polo turned me on to Aquaphor while filming in the dry dessert for 30 days, OH myke you need to get me some Aquaphor doll, I'm dying out her." and its been a love affair ever since. check out your local drugstore.

ALWAYS WASH YOUR FACE ...Even if Your beat

"Don't Go a full day or night without washing your face. You have to get all the dirt and makeup out of your pores."
- Mary J. Blige

Mykie Says:

Agree, Always wash your face  in the eve and when you wake up. Simple enough right?
Did you know that Marilyn Monroe splashed ice cold water on her face 15 time before she put on her face? and when she took it off. I myself started doing this in the morning and look at me i look great for 60. 

Wipe Off Your Lipstick

"To make lips look naturally pink, I put on red lipstick, wipe it off, and then apply clear gloss."
-Halle Berry

Mykie says:
DITTO!!!! Very old trick that works amazing, can be done with other lip colors as well. Some people have naturally reddish pigment lips so using lip colors can look really muddy or if someone has rather large lips, i have used this technique on a few actresses.  

"After Applying foundation and little blush dust your face with translucent powder, then mist skin with rosewater spray and lay a Kleenex over for a second. It makes your face seems flawless in a way that looks as if you aren't wearing any makeup."
-Liv Tyler

Mykie Says:

Very old trick, but a good one. i was introduced to this idea years, years ago from Bridgette Fonda, but it was using Evian spray. I like the idea cause it does help remove and set some extra powder residue that remains on your face while adding a sheen over your whole face. Tip: try doing your makeup, then holding the rose water or Evian spray 10 to 12 inches from your face and mist.
let set until dry, you will she this sheen I'm referring to.


 I hope that this could be of some help to you, if you have any of your beauty secrets, let me know!
cheers! and be good.
mykie xoxo

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